It All Started Because of Mom...
As lovers of God's Word, my wife, Bette, and I decided that a perfect gift for my mom would be a puzzle with Scripture on it. As we searched for this wonderful gift idea, we found plenty of beautiful puzzles, even some with religious themes. But we couldn't find a single puzzle with Scripture on it.
That's when Bette felt a still small voice saying, "You do this." God placed on our hearts Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Suddenly, the idea for Promise Puzzles was born!
We pray that this series of puzzles based on God's promises will be impactful in your life. We also hope that they bring you hours of fun!
In His Service,
Doug & Bette Meduna
Owners, FairHope Direct